Saturday, 5 May 2007

Lagavulin Aged 16 Years

Whoops, I have been neglecting this log. It is always difficult balancing the action when you have two mistresses. Shortly after the last entry we had a trip to Porto. As a result the last few weeks have been dedicated to that delightful beverage. However, in less than a month's time we are off to the Hebrides with Islay on the itinerary so I had better start preparing the taste buds.

Having thoroughly enjoyed Bruichladdich and Bowmore, I decided to investigate the products of Islay in more detail. To this end I bought a bottle of Lagavulin 16 year old at a branch of Oddbins in London. The bottle looks interesting with an old fashioned looking label. I see it has been bottled at 43% too, so not too much adulteration I hope. In the glass it has a golden mid-brown colour. On the nose I am definitely sensing seaweed and wood. The former is not surprising considering how near to the waters edge the distillery is. As for the taste, wow, this is a big powerful one. The intial impression is oil as in trawler bilges, then there is peat and smoke in spadefuls. As it goes down a fruity citrus medicinal after taste comes through. There's something in here that I can't place but it reminds of some cough linctus I had in my childhood. Deary me, after all I said about whisky not tasting like grapefruit I have gone and described the after taste as fruity citrus.

Well that's three Islay distilleries visited in taste if not in person. Perhaps a tour of the others is called for. Then with all the expressions that Bruichladdich are turning out, they could keep me busy for a while. At the rate at which new distilleries are opening up on Islay I wonder if the journey will ever end. Of course, a bit of Port Ellen history won't go amiss either.